April 16, 2022
What do you need to get started here?
Paid Email account
Maybe free Gmail as a secondary account here
Some knowledge of Email marketing could be useful here
Some practice of sending emails by Automatic tools.
Gsuite should be good enough for you starting out you can pay to Google for around £8.00 a month to them for more less unlimited use of the accounts so cheap here to pay overall but make sure you warm up the account for at least 1 month before you start sending 1000 or more a day .
Free account can be useful if you are doing more extreme sending of high emails so if someone blocks or reports your email account no problem if you loss it but this would only happen if you do it extremely for example if you send 5000 or more emails with the exact same template in each emails . https://www.buyseoservices.ooo/
Email marketing knowledge can become very important here for example how do we send a email wrong first”Hi sir I am greatest SEO in the world would you give me a guest post regards Mr Important SEO Ricky Smith”
Let me explain why this is wrong. Sir is not the right way to address someone unless they say knighted or noble for some other kind of reasons. IT is also term used mostly by spammers so calling someone that will often get your email deleted or not even opened often.
Putting Greatest or Best makes you sound like you have ego problem unless you say Rockstar or world famous putting that sort of things in email will often make people not want to deal with you further .
Putting a title like Mr Important in email makes it sound like the person has serious Ego problem meaning the chance of reply be small at best. https://www.theengineer.info/2023/02/3-best-laptops-for-coders-in-2021.html
Hello (name) try and find the names whenever possible to email someone if you can’t find the name or names of person in charge just give them friendly sort of name instead of nothing for example put Dude or Buddy be Hi Buddy or Hi Dude.
I had a lot of fun and enjoyment from reading your article about skin care I was so inspired by what you did it made me do article myself I linked out to your article here.
Why is this good or smart? It tells the person here you like what he or she does and giving them backlink helps to increase there sales so it will probably impress them so they will often reply back in postive way like this
Thanks so much and your article was good read I linked back to your article for you . They may do that without you asking for it if not ask for it they will probably say yes or give you guest post instead
Log in with your account on say Gmail then it should allow you to send emails from within the program.
In the Campaign part click create a new Campaign.
Name whatever you want such as New York City Lawyers then get the emails uploaded you will need another program to get the emails such as Ihunter or scrapebox then when you are done upload the emails by CSV file
You can use blank template if you want to make one yourself but to make it simple we use one of there templates
Click the template you want then click next schedule to plan when to send the emails then click the email you want it to come from then click create Campaign then you done except for replying back to emails for part of it
Tags::Capterra Lemlist, Lemlist Ab Testing, Lemlist Affiliate, Lemlist Alternative, Lemlist Api, Lemlist Appsumo, Lemlist Appsumo Black Friday, Lemlist Blog, Lemlist Chrome Extension, Lemlist Cold Email, Lemlist Email, Lemlist Integrations, Lemlist Linkedin, Lemlist Login
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