You can work for anyone in the world and do it purely online if you prefer so work from home which is the dream of many young or older people alike over the idea of being your own boss and working the hours you work per day or year alike.
The best languages to learn for full time or part time work be HTML or Python
Hyper Text Markup Language is how websites run for a large part of what you see in regards to how hyperlinks work such as like this”<a href="url">link text</a>” that allows backlinks to work on a site where one site links out to another one which is ranking factor for how Google or Bing or most other Search engines.
Website work can be simply Wordpress build which means you just have to understand at best basic of HTML and CSS to be able to create websites or plugins normally it could be learned in like 1 month probably for the learner part of it and even the advanced stuff is not much more than the basis for working in this CMS overall.
You can get paid a lot more money normally for full HTML sites overall or script themed sites since it requires skills often and experience this means you could charge like $1000 per website or more money quite easy but for like Wordpress same sort of site cost anywhere from like $50 to like $300 at max normally so you can see learning how to code right for this area can lead to more cash per job or per year a like overall.
The internet is always growing that means basically unlimited supply of work in this area if you can learn how to do it well enough and be able to close clients overall.
A beautiful code that allows you to do anything from simple jobs for websites or allowing complex science research to be done this is why in the United Kingdom this is why more kids learn Python in high school over French now since this language can lead to boys or girls in the future being paid anywhere from low to very high money for work part time or long term work in a lot of bigger companies or business wise you will have someone who’s a full time Python coder for the firm showing you can lead to office work or self employed work very easy overall.
The reason why this became so popular it allows you to code very easy since it’s designed to be simple to follow and applies many techniques you can apply to non Python work as well-meaning if you learn this you should be able to understand how to code in like say Java or Javascript or other languages since it’s designed to be easy to understand meaning once you master it you can be able to program in more advanced things easy as well with tthe right training and practice yourself overall.
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