Before Dos excited doing basic things like working mouse or perform other computer actions which a giant amount of training since computers had no user friendly stuff in place to allow people to perform actions for example the command to open a file or program changed things a lot it may not seem impressive if you only used modern consoles but at the time it was life-changing creation for why Bill Gates pretends he created it for many years.
Dos worked of command prompt system such as open or shut a file or open program or do anything else you could do everything possible with the computer using purely keyboard without having to rely on a mouse this resulted in many interesting or good games such as like pirates or Ants sims or any many more for why the retrogames often are big fan of things like Dosbox which allows older games to run on it using Dosbox as like virtual computer which can run of purely DOS based commands.
Windows even modern computers still have Dos style build in called Windows Command which is basically just Dos again the reason for why so much is still done it is allows you to be able to do anything often faster than using mouse or another way to get things to happen such as like connecting a server to your computer or other online based programs.
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